Kudos AD
Career planning for adults
Software that enables adults to explore career and training opportunities. Kudos AD is used extensively by career development specialists to support adults to evaluate their options and plan their futures.

Flexible entry points, encouraging exploration
Adults can discover more about training, learning opportunities, and careers. Regardless if they are experiencing redundancy or looking to change careers for personal reasons, Kudos AD is an essential tool in helping adults link their skills and interests to possible career pathways.
A framework for career and skills development
Kudos AD has assessments in place to analyse the skills and interests of adults to give them the confidence to pursue new and exciting opportunities. Adults feel more motivated to discover new careers that rely on their transferable skills.
Reporting for adult advisers
Every Kudos AD licence comes with free access to our reporting tool, CASCAID Manager. Using CASCAID Manager, advisers are able to track client activity and personalise support based on the needs of each client.
Kudos AD has always been a key part of the support that we deliver. We know that we can rely on it to give our users the ideas and information they need to get onto a more positive road.

Advisor delivering training and employment support at a rehabilitation charity